Brief info
Alissa has worked both part-time and full-time on and off with us over the years, she originally started with us in 1999. She first worked with us for 4 years before heading back east, and then came back and has been with us since.
Alissa grew up in a very small town in northern Ontario. When she moved West she brought her mother with her, but still goes back to northern Ontario to visit family regularly. Growing up Alissa didn't really know what she wanted to do. She says that as a teen rather than putting posters of boys all over her bedroom walls she covered her walls with pictures of flowers. Alissa's mother Shelley is also a talented floral designer, so you could say that for Alissa floristry is in her blood. When they came back to BC the second time we had both Alissa and her mother working with us, just one of the many mother-daughter teams we have had along the way!
Alissa is an experienced and very talented designer. We often call on her for help with wedding work and grad work. She shines best when the work is detailed and intricate. Alissa's work has helped us win awards and receive recognition in blogs and magazines. We are very lucky to have her on our team and we know it!
She is a collector of beautiful things and has a real soft spot for rocks which she looks for on her walks at the beach. Alissa enjoys time near the ocean and in nature, and she loves to spend time crafting, reading and going for walks. Alissa’s advice for aspiring florists is, "It's not all playing with posies. You have to be prepared to do it all and cheerfully! It's all a part of the job."