Purchasing and Web Manager
Brief info
Ashley started with us shortly after we opened our Westshore shop in 2013 and is now our Purchasing and Web Manager.
She came to us with no experience with flowers, but a good work ethic and a desire to learn. She had been working in a furniture store doing merchandising and buying before coming to us and the skills she learned there have developed further here at Brown's where Ashely does a beautiful job merchandising our Westshore shop and focusing on buying design supplies and hard goods for all three of our stores. Next time you're in one of our shops and you find a pot or gift item that you just love, you have Ashley to thank for it!
Aside from her merchandising and buying skills, Ashley is also an incredible designer. She is a major perfectionist so you'll never find anything out of place when she makes something. If merchandising, buying and floral design weren’t enough, Ashley is also the mastermind behind our website! She has worked long and hard on what is a very tedious job to create something that will showcase our work beautifully for our customers.
Ashley is a delight to work with, she is sweet, friendly and fun. She lives in Metchosin with her husband Tanner, two cats Ziggy and Link, and their White Dumpy Tree Frog named Ernie. In her spare time, you can find her cuddling the cats, going for walks, shopping with her mum, playing the Sims or getting creative with spray paint and glitter. If she were an animal she says she'd be a crow because they are smart and they love their families. Ashley's favourite flower is lisianthus.
Her Advice to aspiring florists is that you will learn the most by the people around you at the flower shop. Oh, and she also says "don't bother with nail polish". So true, right fellow florists??