
Tree and shrub type ficus require bright light but avoid direct sunlight in the summer while creeping and climbing ficus varieties prefer partial shade. It is recommended to turn the plant occasionally so all the growth does not occur on one side.  Don’t worry too much if your tree drops some leaves when you first bring it home. Ficus often lose foliage when they’re moved to a new location and can take 2-3 weeks to become acclimated again.  


Let the soil become dry 2-3 inches from the top in between waterings for most Ficus.  For Ficus Moclame species let only the top 1 inch of soil to dry slightly between waterings.   Water more sparingly in the winter. Use tepid water if possible.    


Ficus Trees grow well at high temperatures. It will survive at temperatures as low as 15°C, but will not produce new growth. Ficus Trees enjoy humidity and would definitely appreciate a humidity tray or regular mistings.


Fertilize during the active growth period in summer. Use a general-purpose fertilizer diluted to half strength and fertilize every three or four weeks until the active growth period ends. There is no need for fertilizer during the winter. 


Repot young ficus every second year using a well-draining soil.  Varieties of ficus with large glossy foliage should have leaves gently wiped with a damp cloth occasionally.  Dust can prevent the leaves from absorbing sun and nutrients.


Prune the Ficus to keep its small size and to shape the canopy. Prune in late winter or early spring before new growth appears. Make cuts on branches just above a leaf node or a branching stem. New growth will appear from below the cut. Prune out dead branches any time throughout the year.

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