Light: Partial shade to bright indirect light with no direct sun in summer. Bright indirect light without direct sun in winter. Water: Water freely from spring to autumn letting the soil dry out slightly in between waterings. Water more sparingly in the winter. Temperature: The plant suffers if the temperatures get to low. Keep temperature no lower than 16℃ in…
Although there are many varieties of dracaena, they mostly require the same basic conditions to grow their best! Light: Dracaenas need moderate to bright indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight as it can burn the tips of the leaves. The bottom leaves of dracaenas may droop or turn yellow and fall during the growing season however this is normal as dracaenas…

Light: Ferns do best with indirect lighting. A north-facing window is ideal although during the winter months, when the sun is low on the horizon, an east window is fine for these plants. Avoid south and west-facing windows, as the intense sunlight may scald the leaves or fronds of the ferns. Water: Consistent watering, keeping the soil evenly moist, not…

Light: Tree and shrub type ficus require bright light but avoid direct sunlight in the summer while creeping and climbing ficus varieties prefer partial shade. It is recommended to turn the plant occasionally so all the growth does not occur on one side. Don’t worry too much if your tree drops some leaves when you first bring it home. Ficus…
Light: Fiddle leaf figs require bright indirect light and can even tolerate some direct morning sun. Best placed in an east-facing window. Don’t worry too much if your tree drops some leaves when you first bring it home. Ficus often lose foliage when they’re moved to a new location and can take 2-3 weeks to become acclimated again. Water: Let…
Light: Gardenias prefer bright indirect light but not direct summer sun. Water: Gardenia’s do not like to dry out so keep their soil moist but not wet. Let the top inch of soil dry in between waterings. Gardenia need humidity and most homes are too dry for them to flourish. Keep them on a tray of water with a layer…