Light: Schefflera plants flourish in areas with a lot of light. Care for scheffleras by placing them in rooms with bright filtered or indirect light. The foliage of your Schefflera arboricola plants will turn yellow and drop if there is insufficient light. Water: Water Schefflera liberally spring through fall, allowing the soil to dry out slightly in between waterings. Water…

Sansevieria Light: Snake plants prefer bright, indirect light and can even adapt to direct sun and also a degree of shade. Water: Water moderately letting the soil dry between waterings from spring to autumn. During winter water very sparingly, about once or twice a month. The biggest danger with Snake Plants is over watering, especially in the winter months. Temperature:…
Chlorophytum Light: Spider Plants are very undemanding. Spider Plants prefer bright, indirect light. However, they will grow in conditions ranging from semi-shade to partial direct sun. Water: Water liberally through spring to autumn letting soil dry out slightly in between waterings. Mist leaves occasionally in the summer. During the winter water sparingly. Temperature: Do not let the temperatures fall below…
Light: The Tacca Bat plant should be placed in a bright location, avoiding direct sun. Most have had better success with locations that have plenty of good air circulation. Water: Keep the Tacca Bat Flowers soil consistently moist but not soggy.. This plant requires a 50-70% humid climate to survive; mist regularly. Temperature: A steady temperature of 18-21°C year-round is…
Zebrina (wandering jew, inch plant), Setcreasea (purple heart), Siderasis (spiderwort) Light: Place plant in a bright location with some direct sun autumn to spring, avoid direct sun in the summer. Grow Siderasis (spiderwort) variety in semi-shade. Water: Water regularly spring to autumn allowing the top 2 or 3 inches of soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Water more sparingly…
Air plant Light: Place tillandsia in a bright location avoiding direct afternoon sun in summer months. Air plants are also quite tolerant in lower levels of light. Water: You can either soak your Tillandsia in room temperature water once per week for 15 minutes or provide a heavy misting 3-4 times per week Do not keep plants constantly wet…