Oxalis/Shamrock Light: Bright indirect light is best for Oxalis plants, they are not well suited to low light conditions. Water: Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out halfway down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Temperature: 65°F-85°F (18°C-30°C). It’s best not to let it go below 60°F…
Callisia Repens Light: Turtle Vine likes bright, indirect light and you should avoid direct sun, especially in the summer. A North or East facing windowsill is ideal. Water: Water when the top one to two inches of soil is dry; about once every two weeks in the summer and once every three weeks in the winter Temperature: Prefers temperatures between…
Cycas revoluta Light: Sago Palms prefers bright indirect light to direct sunlight. Choose a south- or west-facing window. Water: Let the soil surface dry out in between waterings. Water thoroughly, allowing it to soak into the soil until it drips out of the drainage hole. Remove excess water that collects in the saucer. Sago palms are sensitive to overwatering and…
African violets will thrive in bright, warm and humid conditions. Remove dead flowers and leaves as soon as you see them to encourage a healthier plant. Light: Bright, but not direct sunlight. They are commonly grown under fluorescent lights placed 12 to 15 inches above the leaves. Water: African violet plants are picky about water, so take extra care of…
Aeschynanthus Light: These plants can handle medium to bright indirect light. Medium indirect light is enough to support the plant, but it is not always enough to encourage blooming. If you want to promote flowers, then this houseplant requires plenty of bright indirect light. If you place your Lipstick Plant outdoors in the warmer months, make sure to place…

Light: Place your potted hydrangeas in areas that receive morning sunlight and afternoon shade, for best growth. Water: Water potted hydrangeas regularly, as these plants require consistent water for proper flower growth and fare poorly during drought. Water the plant often enough that roots remain moist without maintaining wet soil, which may lead to disease problems. Water when the top…