Fathers come in all shapes and sizes from handy dads to techie dads, from single-dads to uncles, grandpas, stepdads, and all manner of wonderful people filling in the important role of “dad”. The role of dads has changed drastically over the last couple of decades. Once upon a time dads had fairly strict gender roles and stereotypes to live up…

Here we are, Grad Season 2021. It’s been a challenge of a year, to say the least. The students graduating this spring have worked harder than ever before, in more challenging circumstances than ever before, to reach their goals – and they did! They hunkered down and worked to “bend the curve” while still working at their educations. We are…
Light: Bright indirect light, avoiding direct hot summer sun. Staghorn ferns do not tolerate low-light conditions. Water: Let soil dry out slightly between waterings. The fern also absorbs moisture through its fronds so misting regularly is recommended. If the fern is mounted on a plank or surface, soak the plant for 1 minute and let drip dry before re-hanging. Temperature:…

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma R. tetrasperma has a striking resemblance to Monstera deliciosa and is often mistaken for the Philodendron species. However, this plant is neither a Monstera or a Philodendron, although they are all in the same family Araceae. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is a completely separate genus than those two plants. Light: Place plants in a location with bright to moderate indirect…
Hindu Rope (Carnosa), Wax plant (Australis), (Bella) Light: Bright light is required. Some direct sun is beneficial but avoid hot afternoon sun in summer months. Water: Water thoroughly Spring to Fall, allowing the soil to dry out slightly in between waterings. Don’t let the plant sit in water. Water more sparingly in winter months. Mist leaves regularly, but not…

Light: Bright indirect light, avoid exposing to direct sun. Cordyline australis species can tolerate some direct sun but avoid hot summer afternoon sun. Water: Water regularly when top soil is dry to touch during growing season spring to fall, sparingly in winter. Cordyline fruticosa requires higher humidity and should be misted regularly. Temperature: Cordyline thrive in temperatures above 16℃. Winter…