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Author page: MO Afzal

China Doll Plant Care

Light: This plant needs a lot of indirect, bright sunlight to thrive well. The plant should be placed in an area where it can get at least 4-5 hours of bright light each day. If you don’t have the proper lighting you can use a plant light to give the China Doll the required light. Water:  China Doll Plants want…

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Citrus Care

Light: Set your citrus tree in full sun from a southern exposure. Trees need lots of light. If that’s not possible, supplement the light by installing 40-watt fluorescent shop lights above the plants. This is especially important in the winter, when they need 12 hours of light.  Water:  You’ll need to keep the soil evenly moist and since most interiors…

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Coffee Plant Care

Light: Give a Coffee Plant the medium light of a somewhat shady window. A little direct sun is fine, but take care not to allow more than an hour per day of direct sun. Water:  Keep soil thoroughly moist in spring and summer, barely moist in fall and winter and don’t forget to provide good drainage! Mist the Coffee Plant…

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Croton Care

Light: Crotons need a very brightly lit location so that they keep their bright colors. They enjoy a western or southern window location, avoiding direct summer sun. If they have plenty of light, the leaves will have more variegation and the colors will be brighter. Water:  Crotons need to have their soil evenly moist at all times; they tend to…

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Cyclamen Plant Care

Light: Give cyclamen bright, indirect light in the fall and winter. While your plant is dormant during the late spring and summer, keep it in the shade. Water:  Water whenever the soil feels dry during the growing season. High humidity, especially during the winter, is crucial. Keep the cyclamen on a tray of water with a layer of pebbles or…

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