Nerium Light: Oleander plants prefer bright light with at least four hours of direct sun each day. The plant can be placed outdoors in the summer. Acclimatize it gradually and bring inside the home before the nights become cold. Water: Water generously throughout the growing season, keeping the soil evenly moist. Water sparingly in winter when plant is resting. Temperature:…
Spathiphyllum Light: Place peace lily in a location with bright indirect light in the winter and a semi-shaded location in the summer. Avoid direct sunlight. Water: Water regularly to keep soil moist, let the top of the soil dry slightly in between waterings. Water more sparingly in winter. Mist leaves regularly. Peace lily plants are very forgiving, If you find…
There are many different kinds of philodendrons including upright and hanging varieties but all take the same basic care. Light: Place in a bright location with indirect light avoiding direct sunlight. Philodendron scandens (heartleaf philodendron) can tolerate low levels well. Water: Keep soil moist at all times but don’t let the plant sit in water. Water more sparingly in winter…
Light: Place your poinsettia plant near a sunny window where it will have the most available sunlight. A window that faces south, east or west is better than one facing north. Keep the plant away from cold window panes as they are sensitive to cold. Water: Water regularly and thoroughly. Wait until soil is moderately dry in between waterings. Water…

Scindapsus Light: Pothos is a very versatile plant that can tolerate the lower light levels or bright filtered light of a home. The yellow variegations of the plant become more pronounced when exposed to greater amounts of light. Avoid direct sunlight Water: Let soil dry out slightly in between waterings. Watering more liberally in spring to autumn and sparingly in…
Rosa, Miniature Rose Light: Place rose plant where it will receive the most light – a sunny window sill is ideal and east-facing is best. It also benefits from being placed outside on a balcony or in the garden. They can either be brought in when in bloom to enjoy the flowers or left outside. Pots kept on a balcony…