Aeschynanthus Light: These plants can handle medium to bright indirect light. Medium indirect light is enough to support the plant, but it is not always enough to encourage blooming. If you want to promote flowers, then this houseplant requires plenty of bright indirect light. If you place your Lipstick Plant outdoors in the warmer months, make sure to place…

What does 50 years of loyalty and service look like? For us, it looks like Kathy Blaine, the Manager of our Sidney store. We love to joke that Kathy started in the industry as a literal baby, but it’s kind of true. Kathy was a teenager when she began work experience through Royal Oak Middle School. Now, with 50 years…

Have you had the pleasure of meeting Katherine yet? You may know her friendly face from your trips to any one of our three locations as she makes guest appearances in all of our shops. Or, maybe you know her because she takes care of marketing at Brown’s The Florist. We are excited to re-introduce her as Katherine Olmstead, IMF…

Light: Place your potted hydrangeas in areas that receive morning sunlight and afternoon shade, for best growth. Water: Water potted hydrangeas regularly, as these plants require consistent water for proper flower growth and fare poorly during drought. Water the plant often enough that roots remain moist without maintaining wet soil, which may lead to disease problems. Water when the top…

When you think of winter you probably think of cold temperatures, shorter days, and generally unpleasant weather. It’s certainly not a time of year that conjures up thoughts of lush gardens filled with flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colours. But, there are some really amazing flowers this time of year that we don’t get to enjoy when it’s warm…

What do you think of when we say “Valentine’s Day?” We’re willing to bet it’s something to do with hearts, love, and romance. Valentine’s Day is a day for people to celebrate those things usually by giving gifts like cards, chocolate, and flowers. While it’s common for people of all ages and backgrounds to celebrate this holiday, there are some…